

What could be cooler than a giant lego spaceship? One that lights up and takes off of course. For this idea I took an Arduino, LED strip and speaker ripped out from an old toy and shoved them in the empty housing inside a Lego Millenium Falcon. Take a look at the result!

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Major project for INFO30005 Web Information Technologies. ReviewMyResume is a platform built with Node.js & Express allowing users to upload resumes and receive feedback from other users.
Utilises a MongoDB database and GCS bucket for storing data and files.

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The Adventures of Squidwod

The Adventures of Squidwod is a 3D game developed in Unity by myself and two other group members for the subject COMP30023. The project tasked us with developing a game which we were given full creative freedom over. Our final submission was a somewhat interesting take on a typical boss fight where the player is required to defeat the giant seagull while collecting as many "eggs" as possible. I made a trailer too, give it a watch!

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Food Interest Group Webpage

Food Interest Group is the biggest food related society at the University of Melbourne. I've been on the committee for nearly 2 years now, and this year I designed and built a webpage as a hub for all of our information including our partners, committee and contact details.

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